Robert Aho created originally created an architecture firm, KIRKAUS, LLC, that reflected his interests as an architect. He has now become semi-retired and is writing, teaching, leading meditation retreats, public speaking, as well as taking on a small number of projects. After a Near Death experience, Robert began writing and has published two books, Timeless Luminosity and The Frog, under the KIRKAUS, LLC umbrella. He also writes a newsletter through , which is mainly about what he learned in death, as well as about various spiritual insights that he finds important, including meditation and taking care of our lives.
KIRKAUS is dedicated to Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman, Greta Thunburg, Matthieu Ricard, John Dunne, His Holiness Karmapa XVII, Shannon Hall, as well as many others who have worked to help people to evolve. Infinite gratitude is give for those who have worked tirelessly to make the world a better place.
KIRKAUS provides professional architectural service to clients throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin; however, the firm also helps to provide a creative outlet for Robert Aho, in a wide variety of fields, including writing, publishing, photography, art, among many others. The firm is based on a rural lake north of Duluth, MN, and is not generally open to the public, due to its remote location. If you wish to meet with the Robert Aho about a project, a meeting can be set up. If you have a project in mind, please submit a request for a meeting by going to the contact section of this website.
The name Kirkaus is based on the Finnish word Kirkkaus (meaning clarity) or Kirkas—we compromised slightly with the spelling of the name, wishing to be unique.
As a central theme in this firm, clarity is of the utmost priority. This means that we – everyone associated with the project – are encouraged to look at the project holistically. With the construction of any building, each decision has a domino effect. So, we must start by looking at the basic elements that are most important: health, spirituality, sustainability, culture, and the well-being of people in our lives. All of these elements have many layers that must be considered, including financial, aesthetic, physical health and psychological well-being.
KIRKAUS, as an entity, is designed to grow to meet the needs of clients and projects, as well as to meet the interests of its associates within the firm. As the firm grows, other resumes will be added to this web site. It is Robert’s intention to include people with a diverse level of experience, complementing and in balance with the firm’s philosophy.
Robert originally started as a firm principal in 2004, after being invited into partnership at Builders Commonwealth. Working with a multi-disciplined design build firm was a refreshing change, having spent many years working in the more traditional architecture firms, Triebwasser Helenske and SJA Architects. A few projects from those days, early in Robert’s architectural career, are included in the imagery of this website.
Architect, MN #43952
Architect, WI #9974
Building Official, MN #BO002940
BArch Architecture, North Dakota State University
Areas of interest included: Organic Architecture, Sustainable Architecture, Regional Architecture, Native American Architecture, A Retreat for Writers (thesis topic).
BS Environmental Design, North Dakota State University
Areas of study included: New Urbanism, Green Architecture, many other topics.
BA Anthropology, Moorhead State University
Cultural Anthropology with areas of study involving: North American Indians, Art, Theory, Economics, Physical Anthropology, Human Ecology, Contemporary Cultural Dynamics within Industrial Societies (thesis topic).
Author, The Frog: A Spiritual Autobiography, Spanning Many Lifetimes
Revolving around meditation, as well as experience gathered from his Near Death Experience, Robert wrote this wild, strangely humorous, ride through a Spiritual Path, in order to give people confidence in their own Spiritual Path. Published by KIRKAUS, LLC through Amazon.
Author, Timeless Luminosity
After Robert Aho experienced a Near Death Experience in 2016, he wrote this book of both poetry and prose, with the intention of helping people to awaken. The book is published by KIRKAUS, LLC through Amazon..
KIRKAUS, LLC, President
KIRKAUS is a firm reborn, unique in every way, and a little bit difficult to define. Although primarily revolving around architecture, the firm has branched out, revolving around Robert’s creative interests, which include photography and publishing, as well as public speaking and teaching. The firm is devoted to making a better life for everyone.
RA Architect Studios, Principal Architect
Residential and commercial projects, focused on sustainability, cultural, historical and organic in nature. Managed projects from start to completion, managed several employees.
Meditation Instructor
Founded a local Duluth meditation group, then established a connection with a Minneapolis organization, which has several non-profit centers. Led groups in meditation on a volunteer basis. Coordinated events and retreats. Robert continues to support various groups in this sort of endeavor, as well as leading meditation retreats. Robert is known for bringing a certain calm and humor to groups of people in general.
Tree Hugger
Robert initially began his career with the attitude of helping to make the world a better place. At first it wasn’t clear how this would happen. It was important to remain focused upon sustainablility, as well as building a compassionate outlook.
City of Duluth, Plans Examiner
Reviewed permit applications and plans of all types of projects for code compliance, met with architects and owners to discuss new projects, provided expertise on issues related to building code.
Builders Commonwealth, Inc., Principal Architect, Partner
All aspects of design, design-build and construction administration. Very fast paced. Worked on 50% residential and 50% commercial projects, from additions and residences to apartment buildings, banks and restaurants.
SJA Architects
Worked with teams on numerous large institutional projects. Also managed and designed many smaller projects, from the predesign phase through contract administration—university, residential, school, veterinary, medical and public housing were among the project types in this role. Extensive contract administration, project estimating, 3-D computer modeling, technical roles for large government and university projects and extensive design work experience.
In the May-June 2002 issue of Architecture Minnesota, one of Robert’s projects was published involving neighborhood and energy efficient renovation of existing public housing. This design further won a NAHRO Award of Merit for Housing & Community Development.
Triebwasser Helenske and Associates
Worked on a large variety of architectural projects including: Assisted living, medical clinics, government-related institutional, a convention center and residential. Also provided technical support for university and city projects during design development and contract document stages. Was given the lead on a small number of design build projects. Occasional contract administration.
Prior to the above: Robert worked in lumber yard management, drafting, construction, commercial art and graphic design.
Professional Recognition: In the interest of providing recognition of all team members in the projects included here, we have provided information, which is intended to both give credit to others where it is due and gratitude to all those associated with the projects here. It is seldom that any architect works without the assistance of others, as an island, so to speak. Successful projects are due to the totality of the team, each and every player who makes it happen.
CSI, Twin Ports Chapter, President, President Elect, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Director
AIA, Northern Chapter, Secretary, Director
NCARB, member
Conducted Seminars for Architects
Energy Design Conference Planning Committee
WITC Advisory Committee, building program
Climate Idols, Duluth Sister City, Advisor
Heritage Preservation Commission, Duluth, Commissioner
Old-Brule Heritage Society, Director, Volunteer
Bodhicitta Sangha/ Heart of Enlightenment Institute, Director, Group Coordinator
Prisoner Meditation Project, Volunteer
North Country R.I.D.E. Board Chair, Director
Carlton County Animal Shelter
Duluth Preservation Alliance
Planning Commission, Madison Lake, MN, Vice Chairman, Commissioner
Photography courtesy of Robert Aho.